June 26th, 2022 Worship

Whose kingdom come? Whose will be done?

Matthew 6:10 “Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”

As we continue to look at the Lord’s Prayer, we explore what it means to have God’s kingdom come and who will be done. It has been argued that this is the most important line in the prayer that Jesus taught his followers. Author Adam Hamilton writes, “In fact it is the central concern of Jesus’ whole ministry. His teaching, life, death, and resurrection focused on announcing God’s kingdom, inviting people to be a part of it, and encouraging people to not only pray, but to live in such a way that God’s kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.” To live in God’s kingdom is to do the will of God when we embody the love and compassion, and the hope and grace of God. The Lord’s Prayer becomes more than a prayer, when we see it as a call to action and a guide to living out God’s vision of the world.