December 19th, 2021

Filled with Love

Luke 1: 47 “With all my heart I glorify the Lord! In the depths of who I am I rejoice in God my savior.”

God loved the world so much, God came to be with us through Jesus, whose birth we celebrate at Christmas. God chose to dwell in the midst of his people, to show a new way of being in relationship with each other and with God. Jesus was born into a world like ours, where poverty and hunger, injustice and violence still cause suffering today. The infant Jesus is the sign of the eternal love that God has had for all of us from the very beginning. God’s love stirs us to action, to care for the broken-hearted, to feed the hungry, to work for justice, and to be examples of peace. Jesus is the living promise that the world can be changed for the better when we are filled with the love of God.