November 28th, 2021

Advent 1: Making Room for Hope

Psalm 25: 5 “I put my hope in you all day long.”

The season of Advent, which leads to Christmas, begins this week. For Christians, Advent is a time of preparation, reflection, and celebration of the birth of Jesus. This Sunday, as we start a worship series called The Inn: Housing the Holy, we will strive to make room for hope in our lives.

Hope is what gets us out of bed each day. Hope is what leads us to make plans and is what inspires us to make this world a better place. Advent is all about hope. Advent hope is anticipating that something is on the horizon, something greater than we can imagine on our own. Advent hope is believing that God was breaking into our world through a child born in Bethlehem 2000 years ago. And Advent hope is knowing that God is still with us today. Even when the challenges of life seem too difficult to manage, there is always room for hope.