October 17th, 2021

At Your Service

Mark 10:45 “For the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life a ransom for many.”

Have you ever agreed to do something without really knowing how much work or how involved it was going to be? The first disciples of Jesus were a bit like that. They left everything to follow Jesus not really knowing or understanding how their lives would change and what was expected of them. As they travelled with Jesus, hearing him preach, seeing him perform miracles, and helping him share good news, they realized following Jesus was more than they thought it would it be. They realized that following Jesus meant serving others, not serving themselves.

During the pandemic, it became apparent how important the service industry is and how often we have taken it for granted. Something as simple as getting groceries became dependent on those who went to work while others stayed safe at home. It was not only necessary, but life-saving for some people to serve others by going above and beyond what they ever expected. As we slowly move into a post-pandemic world, let us appreciate all those who continue to serve us and others.