March 7th, 2021


Lent 3: Stories

Matthew 9:31 “But they went out and spread the word about him throughout that whole region.”

In the Bible, when someone was healed by Jesus, sometimes he told them not to tell anyone about it. More often than not, they couldn’t stay silent. They needed to tell their stories and to spread the good news of their encounter with Jesus, the healer. Human beings are storytellers. The stories of our past, present, and future are the foundation of who we are; they reveal the joys and challenges of living.

On the 3rd Sunday of Lent, we will consider how being able to tell our stories is important to our mental health. As much as we might deny it, there is still a stigma around mental illness. You can’t see it the same way you can see the scars of surgery, and no one questions an x-ray of a broken leg. But, a diagnosis of depression, anxiety, bipolar, schizophrenia, or another mental illness is often hidden and doesn’t get the same kind of care and compassion.

To begin a journey of healing, we all must be free to tell our stories related to our mental health, and be willing to listen. Real empathy and understanding happens only when the truth is told. Back in January, the Bell Let’s Talk initiative encouraged people to talk about their mental health. It doesn’t end with that one day, it is an ongoing road to recovery that is shaped by the stories we tell. For Christians, the storytelling begins with the healing stories of Jesus.

Knox Presbyterian Church will continue to offer ONLINE worship services only. Please join us this Sunday as we gather virtually for a time of prayer, music, and worship.