January 3rd, 2021

“Searching for a Saviour”

Matthew 2: 10  When they saw that the star had stopped, they were overwhelmed with joy.

The story of the three wisemen following a star in search of a new king, usually gets included in the celebration of Christmas. The Bible describes their journey as happening some time after the birth of Jesus. One can’t help but wonder who these three travelers were and why they left their homeland in search of a king…in search of a saviour.

What kind of saviour did they expect to find? I think that’s a relevant question for us too. What kind of saviour do we expect Jesus to be? Someone to take control and fix all that’s wrong with the world or someone to lead us with authority into a better future or someone strong and powerful; these might be the things we think of when we think of a saviour. But, when Jesus came as a Saviour, he was an example of strength in weakness, compassion for the vulnerable, and justice for all. Being ‘saved’ means living out those same values and believing that Jesus is the kind the Saviour we need today.