August 16th, 2020

“Never Fear?”

“But immediately Jesus spoke to them and said, “Take heart, it is I; do not be afraid.” Matthew 14: 27

You’re such a scaredy cat! Have you ever been told that? Maybe it was meant as a joke or maybe as an insult. Maybe you had a legitimate reason to be afraid or maybe you are someone who doesn’t scare easily. Whatever your fear factor, I think there are certain things that probably make all of us frightened. We might be afraid for the safety and well-being of ourselves and our loved ones. We might be afraid for our financial security and the economy as a whole. We might be afraid for the future. Fear has definitely played a role in how we’ve dealt with the pandemic of 2020: from the raw fear of getting the virus to the lingering fear of when it will end and how things will get back to normal.

The disciples of Jesus had to face their fears one night on a stormy sea when Jesus came walking towards them on the water. They cried out, but Jesus said, “Do not be afraid.” This is a classic line found throughout the Bible. God knows we human beings can be paralyzed, provoked, depressed, or angered when we are afraid. Some of our worst behaviours can be contributed to fear. But, on the other hand, we can be at our best when we overcome fear and know what it means to trust.

During those times in life when it is like we are in a boat tossed at sea, feeling like a scaredy cat, Christians do their best to trust in the steadfast presence of God, who promises to be there through the storms of life and to help overcome our fear. Thanks be to God.