April 26, 2020 Worship

APRIL 26, 2020

Luke 24: 30-31
“When Jesus was at the table with them, he took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them. Then their eyes were opened, and they recognized him.”
One of the things, after a month of lockdown, that you might be missing is gathering with family and friends to share a meal together. Maybe you’ve missed a birthday or anniversary celebration or just a regular get together around the table. Our congregation loves to eat together. This Saturday would have been our Turkey supper and Sunday would have been our monthly Friendship Sunday lunch with birthday cake. It is never only about the food though, it is about the fellowship, being together, and sharing our lives.
After Easter, when Jesus rose from the dead, he appeared to two travellers, but they didn’t recognize him at first. It wasn’t until he sat at a table and broke bread with them that they recognized that they were in the presence of the risen Lord. Sometimes, it is in the simple things of sharing companionship and a meal together that Christ is known to us and we are not alone. Even in this time of isolation, we can reach out to family, friends, and neighbours by phone or FaceTime, and share fellowship and food and be the presence of Christ to each other.