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April 26, 2020 Worship

APRIL 26, 2020

Luke 24: 30-31
“When Jesus was at the table with them, he took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them. Then their eyes were opened, and they recognized him.”
One of the things, after a month of lockdown, that you might be missing is gathering with family and friends to share a meal together. Maybe you’ve missed a birthday or anniversary celebration or just a regular get together around the table. Our congregation loves to eat together. This Saturday would have been our Turkey supper and Sunday would have been our monthly Friendship Sunday lunch with birthday cake. It is never only about the food though, it is about the fellowship, being together, and sharing our lives.
After Easter, when Jesus rose from the dead, he appeared to two travellers, but they didn’t recognize him at first. It wasn’t until he sat at a table and broke bread with them that they recognized that they were in the presence of the risen Lord. Sometimes, it is in the simple things of sharing companionship and a meal together that Christ is known to us and we are not alone. Even in this time of isolation, we can reach out to family, friends, and neighbours by phone or FaceTime, and share fellowship and food and be the presence of Christ to each other.

Peace Be With You!

“Peace be with you!”
John 20: 20 “Then the disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord. Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you.”
How often have we used that statement without much thought as to whether it will actually help to bring peace? Peace means different things for us. Peace is the end or absence of war, between nations and between people. Peace is also that sense of well-being that everything is going to be okay.
When Jesus appeared to the disciples after Easter, the first thing he said to them was “Peace be with you” because he knew they had been hiding away in fear and needed reassurance and hope. Let’s face it, today, we could all use Jesus appearing to offer us peace amidst the chaos of our world. Just stepping out the front door brings an anxiety and fear that most of us have not known before. And yet, in Jesus we are given a peace that will help us face the days ahead. It won’t make all the bad things go away instantly, but God’s peace reassures us that the days are coming when it will all be okay. The peace of Jesus can still our worried minds and calm our anxious souls and for that, we can be thankful.




Matthew 28:5-6 says, “Do not be afraid; I know that you are looking for Jesus
who was crucified. He is not here; for he has been raised, as he said.”
Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!
I’m going to miss hearing our congregation proclaiming that truth on Easter
Sunday this year. But, the truth is that we can still celebrate that Jesus rose
from the dead, even though we can’t have our usual Easter worship service.
The truth is that even though our world is struggling right now, we are still
offered the gift of new life through the resurrection of Jesus. Jesus overcame
the powers of sin and death so that we can live. In these times of upheaval and
fear, I invite you to accept that amazing gift of life from God and I invite you
to live in the joy and promise that Christ is risen, He is risen indeed!

This weekend as we celebrate Easter in a different way, let us pray for
hospitals and hospital workers overwhelmed and struggling to get the supplies
they need, for people who are feeling the affects of isolation, for children
learning in new ways amid the stress of our new reality, for a ‘flattening of
the curve’ so the spread of the virus will end, and for each other, our family
of faith as we cope as best we can in these challenging times.
Don’t forget to reach out to each other by email and phone and as usual, I look
forward to being together again in person!!
With Easter Blessings,
Rev. Tobey